So... I guess I haven't updated this in a while. I really haven't been that productive, but I do have some new things to show off. I'll start with the lamer things and move on to the really cool things.
I'll just jump right into it. One of these days I'll make the effort and get some profesh pictures.

#1. I decorated my geekstick!!!!!! AWESOME !!
#2. I made a cardboard heart loaf. Slice off hearts as you need them.
#3. Super cool lanyard. I intended for it to be used as a keychain, but I think it's kind of big. Whatever, I still like it. Twisty, 4 colors, and built-in keyring. solid.
Onward to the piece d'resistance.

yeeeeah baby I finally used more of that beautiful hand spun/dyed yarn from New Hampshire. I didn't have a lot so I made a nice cabled scarf to help me through the rest of the winter.

Cable close-ups. The color in real life is somewhere between the first and second shots. I hate having to use photobooth. Oh well, c'est la vie, n'est pas? I hope I stay productive... school is suspiciously easy right now. I should just take advantage of that while i can.
k bye