Sunday, December 2, 2007

Hat, Bows, Race Cars! wow

So I guess I've been working a bit more on schoolwork than I have on my yarning, but I still have a couple pictures to put up.

Firstly, I crocheted this little number, mostly on the train from NYC to Rhinebeck. This is the only picture I have right now, I actually gave this hat away to my girl Alex.

they're pretty easy to make though, so there's plenty more where this came from. I h8 school! I'd much rather crochet. (or knit)

I also made these little all-purpose bows out of felt, glue, and buttons.cute.

I also made a little heart pin with a nice yellow kite on it.
and lastly, I made these excellent race car slippers
vroom! They're a bit small, but they look super cute on ladies with smaller feet. The pattern is my abuelita's, and I just added some little wheels on the side. They're wheely cool.
so I guess I have 7 days to make a lot of these things. I believe.